Saturday, February 14, 2009

Kaitlyn's Funny Quote of the Day!

As you will find out if you read this blog for any length of time, Kaitlyn is very amusing even when she is not trying. Here is her funny quote of the day.

We pulled into Walmart for Dan to run in and exchange something. Chloe knows that there is a McDonald's inside and she loves McDonald's.

Kaitlyn said "No Chloe, you are not getting McDonald's." Chloe had not even mentioned McDonald's. I said "Kaitlyn why did you even bring that up?" She said "she was about to ask." I said "How do you know?" and she said "I can read minds." I said "Oh really?!" She said "Yes I can, you are about to spank me." (with a very big smile on her face). So now she thinks she is a mind reader!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Katie!! I am so happy that you started a blog. The girls are so cute in there valentine outfits. I love Kaitlyn's quote.
