Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cute Conversations

Well I had started to do Kaitlyn's Quotes of the Day because she usually has the funny ones, but Chloe is starting to be quite funny herself. So I think I will tag onto Angie's idea of cute conversations because they come regularly. So here is today's cute conversation:

Mommy: "So if we buy Ariel sheets you will start sleeping in your bed?" (right now Chloe sleeps on a pallet next to my bed)
Chloe: " I will sleep in my bed when the baby gets here."
Mommy: "So we should buy Ariel sheets when the baby gets here and you will sleep in your bed"
Chloe: "Right" (very matter of factly)

Another one:

Chloe: "Daddy, why do boys stand up to pee?"
Daddy: "Go ask Mommy."

How do you explain that to a 3 year old?

Hope you enjoyed our cute conversations for today. I am sure that there will be more to come.

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