Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our Kid Quotes

Kaitlyn came into the living room the other night and said:
"I know I am not this age and I am not Spanish but can I have a quinceanera?" I told her no because we are not hispanic and we don't have those and she said "Well neither is George Lopez". Enough said, she is crazy!

Then Chloe was talking to Dan on the phone and our phone echos sometimes. She came and handed me the phone and said "Some girl is talking to Daddy while I am trying to talk to him!" She was really confused why some other girl was talking to her daddy.


  1. Just wrote a really long comment, and it didn't post....your family is beautiful!

  2. That made me laugh so hard. I always wanted a quinceanera when I was little too. They look like so much fun!
